MissionHub (Cru)

Everyone is on a spiritual journey.

Project Role

Product Designer & UX Researcher



MissionHub is a free app that helps people explore spirituality with others in their life. From asking important questions, meeting community needs, or initiating intentional steps of faith, MissionHub allows users to do it all in the communities meaningful to them.

Due to NDA restrictions, I am unable to publicly share much of the process of the project, so please contact me to hear more details: email gsenbetu@gmail.com


My Role

During this project, I successfully helped develop the community feature in the app as part of a cross-functional team.


MissionHub Communities allows groups of people to embark on their spiritual journeys together.


Community Needs

Sometimes you need practical support as you take your steps. Let your Community know how they can help.


Spiritual Questions

How do you explain what you believe to a friend? How do you choose your next step of faith? Your Community will help you find the answers you need.


Community Challenges

Join each other in a challenge created for your community.



As a community owner or admin you can leave announcements so your members stay up to date.


Things I Contributed to

  • Designed core features of MissionHub community features including social messaging and interactions.

  • Led user research for validating components of new community feature, including Spiritual Questions and Community Needs.

  • Collaborated with product managers, engineers and designers to launch new features and iterative updates.




Urban Root